Objective Exam Preparation app is No.1 Exam Preparation App for SSC, Bank, IBPS, GATE, UPSC, RRB, CAT, MAT, IIT etc . This app provides different categories and subcategories for different types of exams like Bank Clerk, IBPS PO, SSC CGL, SSC MTS, CHSL 10+2, JEE Main, UPSC, GATE, CTET KVS, MBA CAT Exams.
Practice Interface:
Objective Exam Preparation app provides a rich exam interface to practice over question and answer in objective exam format. This one by one question on screen and provide multiple choice answer. For practice and memories answer on submit it displays you the correct answer.
Attempt Log:
Objective Exam Preparation app provides attempts log to view your attended question and answer anytime to solve and practice more.
Subjects and Categories:
Arithmetic Aptitude Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning
General Aptitude Verbal Ability Verbal Reasoning
Non Verbal Reasoning Current Affairs Basic General Knowledge
General Science Inventions World Geography
Aptitude Test Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering
ECE, EEE, CSE Chemical Engineering C Programming
C++ Programming C# Programming Java Programming
Networking Database Digital Electronics
Technical Drawing Software Testing Data Structure
SQL Server Core Java Microbiology
Biochemistry Biotechnology Biochemical
Technology Indian Culture World Organisations
Physics Chemistry
and much more...